Monday, June 30, 2014

Day 182 / 365 -Adventures in Potty Training

My child had horrible colic for 7 and a half months of his life, he screamed for about 16 hours a day... that being said, potty training seems to be my biggest challenge yet. I hate it, I feel lost, and it's so dang time consuming I would rather just give it up.  I like to be completely honest about motherhood, I am not the kind of mother that feels competition at all. If it wasn't for preschool "looming" over our heads he would probably still be only in diapers. So we push on...

This weekend was amazing. He was completely dry all weekend other than one accident. Even with store outings and frozen yogurt, he was such a trooper about public toilets. This pretty much sums up his attire for the weekend. Staying with the completely honest I would like to share a story with you. On Friday I took him to Shirley's house and told her we were continuing to work on it. Up until this moment potty training consisted of me putting him on the toilet and we would sit and read, sing, play for 45 minutes until something would FINALLY come out. In my mind he could not make the connection between what makes it come out. Well Ms. Shirley put him on the potty and he says, "Shirley watch this" (he also pointed down there) and sure enough he peed! {insert me retracing all my steps, and coming to the harsh reality that I was taken for a ride} When I got him home, I put him on the potty and said, "Ryder potty like you did at Shirley's house" ...

I think you know what happened next ... yep... he peed. Only two and much smarter than I give that kid credit for.


  1. You probably don't want to hear this, but I've been potty training Gav for almost exactly a year.....we're pretty much exactly where we are when we started with the exception of no accidents out and very few #2's in the potty. Hang in there. It's my least favorite parenting thing to date. Your photos are so precious. I just keep thinking about what an amazing book they'll make at the end of it all. :)

  2. He'll get there, never saw anyone in diapers at 20
