Saturday, September 20, 2014

Day 262 / 365 - Birthday Party

With all the tears surrounding us this weekend it was nice to take a little time out and celebrate this dude and his 3rd birthday! We had a very small birthday party but he loved it. There may have only been 5 of them, but it was a wild bunch of boys. :)) We had a lot of fun and I so appreciate my two great friends and their boys. You two are the only reason being away from family works. I appreciate you and your families and how much you love my child. <3


  1. Oh Jess! I love everything about this picture.....And it's ok to say that my two created most of the WILD!!! Yikes!
    Love you, your boys and everything about our friendship! I'll be your sister away from your sisters and you can be my only sister! Love you :)

  2. I showed this to E and he said, "Do you think Ryder can have a birfday every day?" We had so much fun and are so grateful for the blessings you and your family bring to our lives! (And I'm so glad to have a "family away from family." Thanks for sharing your day with us, Ryder!! Looking forward to a day with the boys again!!
