Sunday, April 5, 2015


Such a fun day. For the past month Ryder has been telling me to call the Easter Bunny and tell him to bring _______. One day I told him that Ryder the Easter bunny does not bring all this stuff, he only brings a few things. He responded by saying, "mom Santa come and brings lots tell him to tell the Easter Bunny". :))

On the day of Easter, we were walking down the street outside and Ryder saw our neighbor Kurt - Kurt said, "Hey Ryder did the easter bunny come to your house?" Ryder told him that he did and Kurt walked inside. When I talked to Ryder about it and asked him, "how did Kurt know the Easter Bunny was at your house" Ryder pointed up in the sky and said, "He saw him flying in the sky with Santa probably". Guess that solves the age old question of how does the Easter Bunny hop to all of those houses.

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