Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Day 184 / 365 - 'Skoooool

We often run into my classroom for one reason or another. Usually I need to grab something in there to help me with a project at home. He is very familiar with my classroom and loves to go to mom's "skooool". He opens my closet door and gets a snack out along with a beach ball or math cubes. Tonight we stopped in for a quick minute and he was doing a "balance bean". I love that he loves it here. Two of my best friends growing up were teacher's children and I would always go to school with them and I can remember it perfectly. "Helping" to grade papers, drawing on the board, snooping through kids desks, pretending I was a teacher. It was a very happy time and I love that I have that memory. I am sure it was a big reason I am a teacher today. I hope he feels the same excitement that I did when he enters the school on the "other side".

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